Saturday, May 21, 2011

Being Beautiful

Beauty is skin deep.
Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder.
Beauty is not in the face; beauty is a light in the heart

When I admire the wonders of a sunset or the beauty of the moon, my soul expands in the worship of the creator.
Mohandas Gandhi

The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.
Eleanor Roosevelt

The pursuit of truth and beauty is a sphere of activity in which we are permitted to remain children all our lives.
Albert Einstein

All over the world, in all languages, infinitely rich poetry & literature is dedicated to this subject of "beauty"; praising the beauty of nature, beautiful women, the beauty of the soul.

True beauty to me, lies in carrying the innocence of childhood with us; even as we see life in its toughest forms. Being able to see the good in everything around us. It's about not hurting others, being true and honest to ourselves. About feeling touched by & embracing the world's worries as if they were our own. About forgetting ourselves for the cause at hand. About wearing your sweetest smile and brightening the day of people who look at you. About doing little things to see others smile. About being selfless and pure in our thoughts, about being happy with ourselves, no matter how we look, no matter how much trouble we are going through.

Being Beautiful is a way of life to me.
It's about consciously reminding ourselves day in and day out about our values & making the effort to live by them, come what may. It's really upto us, how beautiful we can be; there are no limits or boundaries. It's a path of continuous growth.

Bear no doubt, it's a difficult path to tread on and live by.
But then, what is life, if it's not beautiful ?!! :-)


  1. If you haven't, you must try and find a film called "Life Is Beautiful" - its an Italian film, but try and get the English dubbed or the one with English subtitles.. its a MUST watch.

  2. Interesting views!!

    A nice compilation of thoughts!!
